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Who Are We?
Boston North Digital were first founded in 1999 when our directors envisioned building a company that could provide other businesses with more direct and rewarding ways of communicating with their audience.

What We Do?
We install digital display systems into

businesses and facilities, then provide

information and advertising tailored to

the client's target audience.


Digital Out Of Home advertising to help you connect with
your customers, enhance your brand image and grow your business.

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Our Systems

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document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // Check if the MoonPay SDK is available before proceeding if (window.MoonPayWebSdk && typeof window.MoonPayWebSdk.init === 'function') { initializeMoonPay(); } else { // If not loaded yet, keep checking until it is loaded const sdkCheckInterval = setInterval(() => { if (window.MoonPayWebSdk && typeof window.MoonPayWebSdk.init === 'function') { clearInterval(sdkCheckInterval); initializeMoonPay(); } }, 500); // Check every 500ms if MoonPay SDK is available } function initializeMoonPay() { try { // Initialize the MoonPay widget const moonPaySdk = window.MoonPayWebSdk.init({ flow: "buy", environment: "sandbox", // Change to "production" for live use variant: "overlay", params: { apiKey: "pk_test_hQ33a46fhKjWfi09P2ODEEz64hfnn", // Replace with your actual public API key theme: "dark", baseCurrencyCode: "usd", baseCurrencyAmount: "100", defaultCurrencyCode: "eth" }, handlers: { async onTransactionCompleted(props) { console.log("Transaction Completed", props); } } }); // Add an event listener to show the widget on button click const moonPayButton = document.getElementById("moonPayButton"); if (moonPayButton) { moonPayButton.addEventListener("click", function () { console.log("MoonPay button clicked.");; }); } else { console.error("MoonPay button not found in the DOM."); } } catch (error) { console.error("Failed to initialize MoonPay SDK:", error); } } }); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { // Initialize the MoonPay SDK const moonPay = window.MoonPayWebSdk?.init; // Check if MoonPay SDK is loaded if (!moonPay) { console.error("MoonPay SDK not loaded!"); return; } // Configure the MoonPay widget const moonPaySdk = moonPay({ flow: "buy", environment: "sandbox", // Change to "production" when you're ready to go live variant: "overlay", // Options: overlay, embedded, newTab, newWindow params: { apiKey: "pk_test_hQ33a46fhKjWfi09P2ODEEz64hfnn", // Replace with your actual public API key theme: "dark", // Optional: dark or light theme baseCurrencyCode: "usd", // Currency for the user baseCurrencyAmount: "100", // Default amount in the base currency defaultCurrencyCode: "eth" // Default cryptocurrency to buy }, handlers: { async onTransactionCompleted(props) { console.log("Transaction Completed", props); } } }); // Add an event listener to show the widget on button click document.getElementById("moonPayButton").addEventListener("click", () => {; }); });